IUSD Información Sobre la Reapertura de Nuestras Escuelas - 3-26-21 Actualización importante sobre la reapertura de nuestras escuelas.
Comunicación a Padres, Familias, y Comunidad de IUSD - 3-25-2021 En nuestro compromiso continuo de servir a nuestra comunidad y brindar información al corriente, tenemos algunas actualizaciones en el mensaje de esta semana.
IUSD Communication to Parents, Staff, and Community - 3-25-2021 In our continued commitment to serving our community and providing up-to-date information, we have some brief updates in this week's message.
COVID-19 RENT RELIEF Attention families, please call the phone number on this flyer for more information on rental assistance.
Resource Hour with 211 LA Feel free to join us in this opportunity to be provided with the resources you need. Our partners from 211 LA will be more than happy to assist.
Owe Rent? Eviction Notice? There is HELP! Please join this workshop for answers on Thursday, March 25th at 6 PM
Make YOUR Choice Would you like your child to receive in person education? The last day to submit your response is March 24th. Please click on the heading "Make YOUR Choice" and this will allow you to complete the necessary form.