Academics » Monarchs' Senior Survival Guide

Monarchs' Senior Survival Guide

Here’s a Senior Survival Guide Timeline for high school seniors, designed to help them navigate their final year with key milestones and deadlines. This timeline can be useful for organizing senior information on your website in a fun yet practical way:

August - September: Kickoff to Senior Year

  • Finalize class schedules.
  • Attend the Senior Parent Meeting for information about prom, grad night, etc.
  • Sign up for the SAT/ACT (if necessary) or retake if needed.
  • Meet with your guidance counselor to discuss graduation requirements and post-high school plans.
  • Start researching colleges, trade schools, or career options.
  • Begin working on your college essays and personal statements.
  • Attend back-to-school events and participate in senior traditions.


October: Future Planning & Fun Events

  • Complete the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) as soon as it opens.
  • Narrow down college choices and note application deadlines.
  • Attend college fairs and informational meetings.
  • Participate in fun school events like Homecoming and Savor the Flavors to celebrate senior year.
  • Prepare for the school's Trunk or Treat event by maintaining perfect attendance to qualify.


November: College Application Crunch Time

  • Finalize and submit early decision/early action college applications (usually due November 1 or 15).
  • Continue preparing for standardized tests if needed.
  • Request letters of recommendation from teachers or counselors (if required for applications).
  • Prepare a senior resume for job or internship opportunities.
  • Look into scholarships and begin applying.


December: Mid-Year Break & Milestones

  • Submit regular decision applications (some may have early December deadlines).
  • Check in with your guidance counselor about graduation credits and post-high school plans.
  • Study for final exams—grades still matter!
  • Enjoy winter break and rest up for the second half of the school year.


January - February: Mid-Year Reflection

  • Review your mid-year transcript and ensure it's sent to colleges if needed.
  • Continue applying for scholarships.
  • Prepare for any senior-year events or outings like Senior Bash and Senior Photo Packages.
  • If you haven't yet, apply to community colleges or local trade schools.


March: Decision Season

  • Receive college acceptance letters or job offers (if applicable).
  • Compare financial aid packages from schools.
  • Finalize plans for Senior Prom and other senior activities.
  • Order your cap and gown if you haven’t done so already.


April: Spring into Action

  • Make your final college decision by May 1 (National College Decision Day).
  • Notify schools of your decision and submit enrollment deposits.
  • Stay focused—senioritis is real! Keep up with attendance and coursework to stay eligible for graduation.
  • Attend senior events and any final parent meetings.


May: Celebrate & Prep for the Big Day

  • Enjoy Senior Prom and other fun senior events.
  • Final exams and AP exams—finish strong academically.
  • Pick up graduation tickets for family and friends.
  • Make sure all fees and obligations are paid to ensure you can walk at graduation.


June: Graduation Month

  • Attend Graduation Rehearsal.
  • Attend the Commencement Ceremony at Coleman Stadium.
  • Celebrate with family and friends—this is your moment!


July: Post-Graduation

  • Enjoy your summer before starting your next chapter in college, trade school, or work.
  • Check emails for any last-minute college tasks (if applicable).
  • Start packing for college or planning your transition into the workforce.