Academics » Academics



  • Guide Lines
  • Course Credit
  • Course Offers
  • Magnet Offers
  • VAPA
  • AVID
  • APEX
  • A-G Requirements
  • Career Technical Education
  • English Language Arts
  • Foreign Language
  • Mathematics
  • Physical Education
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Special Education
They include:

  • Science, Technology, Engineering and Math STEM Magnet Program
  • Advancement Via Individual Determination AVID
  • Gifted and Talented Education (G.A.T.E.)
  • Poetic Minds (Poetry and Spoken Word Class)
  • Kappa League (Jr. Fraternity)
  • Omega Gents (Jr. Fraternity)
  • Sigma Beta (Jr. Fraternity)
  • Math Engineering Science Achievement (MESA)
  • Associated Student Body (ASB)
  • Robinson Leadership Academy (Personal Development)
  • Alumni Association’s Lunch Buddies (Mentoring)
  • APEX Learning Credit Recovery
  • After School Tutoring
  • Theatrical Productions
  • Band Performances
  • Art/Ceramics Showcases
  • Interscholastic Athletics
  • School Site Council (SSC)
  • School Advisory Committee (SAC)
  • English Language Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
  • Supplementary Educational Service Providers (SES)
  • Concurrent enrollment at the community colleges
  • 11th grade Early Assessment Program (EAP)
  • Southern California Regional Occupational Center (SCROC)
  • Upward Bound
  • Co-Op
  • College and Career Center
Honors/ Advancement Placement Courses:
  • Honors English I, II
  • Honors Math (Geometry, Algebra II)
  • AP World History
  • AP Language & Composition
  • AP Literature & Composition
  • AP Government & Economy
  • AP U.S History
  • AP Physics
Student Achievement
Student achievement is measured in a variety of ways. Measurement instruments include assessments required under the Smarter Balance Assessment Consortium (SBAC) and the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). In addition, the district has developed SBAC benchmark exams that are administered in English and Math, which are administered to students at end-of-quarter. The data generated from these instruments are used for various levels of program interventions. The district uses Illuminate, a program that allows teachers and administrators to access assessment data at the individual student level as well as at the whole class level. Data is disaggregated in numerous ways to determine what students are learning and how curriculum and instruction can be differentiated.

Common Core/Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

As No Child Left Behind phased out, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) phased in, bringing Common Core State Standards (CCSS) with it. Morningside’s implementation of the new standards and assessment program began with training sessions provided by the district and site administration, and workshops provided by the Los Angeles County Office of Education and other outside providers. The common core-focused trainings included unpacking of the standards, lesson planning, assessment development, and instructional strategies.

With the Common Core student learning and achievement is measured in a variety of ways. Teachers use formative assessments to gauge learning during instruction and summative assessments to monitor long term comprehension. In addition, the district has developed SBAC benchmark exams that are administered in English and math to students at end-of-quarter. The data generated from these instruments are used by the school for various levels of program interventions. The district uses Illuminate, a program that provides teachers and administrators assessment data at the individual student level as well as at the whole class level. Data are disaggregated in numerous ways to determine what students are learning and how curriculum and instruction can be differentiated.

AVID 9 and 10 classes provide relationship building, small group critical thinking discussions, college preparation, and tutoring. We will continue to grow the AVID program in the following years for grades 11 and 12. The SCROC program provides bountiful career options in the areas of healthcare, hospitality and creative arts. ??% students who particpate in SCROC graduate high school with a job in their area of certification. APEX Learning credit recovery courses allow students who may have faced personal and family issues to graduate on course. Since beginning APEX Learning in 201?, ??% more students have graduated.